Diabetes Management

Being diagnosed with diabetes can be overwhelming.  While diabetes cannot be cured it can absolutely be managed with diet and exercise and sometimes medication.  People with diabetes can live long and healthy lives by learning to manage their disease.

At the Nutrition Solution Group, our lead dietitian, Jennifer Ackerman, is a certified diabetes educator (CDE)* and has experience working with hundreds of patients with diabetes including pre-diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.

She will teach you how food and exercise affect your blood sugar and work with you to create an individualized eating plan based on your diet and lifestyle to help you control your blood sugar and reduce your risk of other diabetes-related complications. Jennifer will also work closely with you to ensure the plan includes your favorite foods and beverages, as well as prepares you for dining out, travel, parties and other situations where managing your diabetes can be more challenging.




*A Certified Diabetes Educator® (CDE®) is a medical/health care professional who possesses comprehensive knowledge of and experience in diabetes management, pre-diabetes, and diabetes prevention. A CDE® educates and supports people affected by diabetes to understand and manage the condition. A CDE® promotes self-management to achieve individualized behavioral and treatment goals that optimize health outcomes. (http://www.ncbde.org/interest_certif.cfm)